Wednesday, 20 March 2013

About Us

Health means a state of well being or ill  and in Hindi ‘swasthaya’, Aarogyam means state of disease free health, in Hindi ‘nirogi’, so the meaning of our company name is AAROGYAM HEALTHY ,which means ‘completely well-being’ and in Hindi ‘nirogi swasthaya’ because we want to make world healthy.

Health is a state of perfect equilibrium of Doshas{vata, pitta and kapha},Dhatus{rasa(food juices), rakta(hemoglobin portion of the blood),mamsa(muscle tissue),meda(fat tissue),asthi(bone tissue),majja(bone marrow),sukra(semen)}, Malas{the waste product of the body}, Agnis and a state of happiness of mind and soul.
  “Swasthasya swasthyab rakshanam, Aturasya vicar prashmanam ch.”

Means our aim is to maintain the health of the healthy person and to cure the diseases.
To give AAROGYAM HEALTH, our aim is to set up the centers in every city of world for providing health services including Yogic science, Naturopathy, Acupressure,

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